INTELEKTUAL ( E-Journal Administrasi Publik dan Ilmu Komunikasi ) <p><span class="jCAhz ChMk0b"><span class="ryNqvb"><strong>Intelektual: Jurnal Administrasi Publik dan Ilmu Komunikasi</strong> is a national scale journal that discusses the study of social sciences, Communication Studies, Public Administration and humanities.</span></span> <span class="jCAhz ChMk0b"><span class="ryNqvb">This journal focuses on issues of Communication, Digital Communication, Public Policy, Human Resources, gender, community empowerment, public institutions and administration, and local government systems.</span></span></p> Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Bhayangkara Surabaya en-US INTELEKTUAL ( E-Journal Administrasi Publik dan Ilmu Komunikasi ) 2338-7521 <p>Authors who publish with <strong>Intelektual: Jurnal Administrasi Publik dan Ilmu Komunikasi</strong> agree to the following terms:</p> <ul> <li class="show">Authors retain copyright licensed under a <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 (CC BY-NC 4.0)</a>, which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the authors' work non-commercially, and although the others' new works must also acknowledge the authors and be non-commercial, they don't have to license their derivative works on the same terms.</li> <li class="show">Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work (See <a href="">The Effect of Open Access</a>). Authors can archive pre-print <em>and</em> post-print or publisher's version/PDF.</li> </ul> Perempuan Dalam Profesi Marketing (Studi Kasus Perilaku Komunikasi Pemasaran Yang Dilakukan Karyawan Perempuan Di PT. Hatsonsurya Electric) <p><em>Women who work in the marketing field have their own behavior in the process of delivering communications internally and externally to the company. The purpose of this study is to find out how the marketing communication process is carried out by female employees and what factors are behind the communication process being formed. This type of research is a case study with a qualitative descriptive approach using interview, observation, and documentation techniques. The results of the study show that the communication process that occurs is non-verbal with a structural communication style and there are three factors behind the occurrence of this communication process, namely the gender factor, knowledge factor, length of service factor. This research is expected to provide new knowledge about the other side that women have in carrying out their duties and functions in maintaining a good company image through marketing</em></p> Devi Siang Hari Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-17 2024-01-17 10 2 119 125 10.55499/intelektual.v10i2.1080 PROSES KOMUNIKASI KEBIJAKAN PARIWISATA PADA DISBUDPAR PROVINSI JAWA TIMUR <p><em>After the Covid-19 Pandemic in 2022 the tourism sector has reopened so that it requires an active role from government agencies to restore the tourism sector. One of these government agencies is DISBUDPAR East Java Province. To carry out its policies, of course, organizational communication is needed. To see how the internal communication of the East Java Province DISBUDPAR organization runs, research is needed to see the tourism policy communication process. The purpose of this study is to determine the internal organizational communication process related to tourism policy at DISBUDPAR of East Java Province and see the similarities and differences in the period before and after the Covid-19 pandemic (2019-2022). This research uses organizational communication theory that focuses on internal institutions and government communication that focuses on staff management. The type of research is qualitative with a case study approach. Data collection methods are interviews with four employees of DISBUDPAR East Java Province, observation and documentation. The results of the study are communication in DISBUDPAR East Java Province is still dominated by one-way communication, namely orders from leaders to their members. During the period before to after the Covid-19 pandemic (2019-2022) there were several changes in the DISBUDPAR of East Java Province related to tourism policy communication. From this research, it can be seen how the organizational communication process within the internal DISBUDPAR of East Java Province and what has changed and remains consistent in the communication process during the period before to after the Covid-19 pandemic (2019-2022).</em></p> Anggara Putra Harastinanda Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-17 2024-01-17 10 2 126 135 10.55499/intelektual.v10i2.1081 PENGARUH GAYA KEPEMIMPINAN KOMANDO DAN KOMUNIKASI INTERPERSONAL TERHADAP TINGKAT KINERJA BAWAHAN DI SEKSI SIM DITLANTAS POLDA JATIM <p><em>This research was conducted on the basis of revealing the influence of the Command Leadership Style and Interpersonal Communication of leaders on the performance carried out by their subordinates. In addition, this study aims to obtain further clarity about the level of increase in the performance of subordinates of the SIM section of the East Java Regional Police which is the influence of the application of Leadership Style and Interpersonal Communication by their leaders. The research was conducted using a quantitative approach with a survey method through distributing and filling out questionnaires, the data collected will be processed and analyzed using testing with the help of the SPSS 26 for windows application. The results of the study showed that significantly and partially the Command Leadership Style and Interpersonal Communication on the Performance Level of subordinates. Through this research, it is hoped that it will be able to contribute to other papers and the agencies studied.</em></p> Fuji Antoro Putro Solikhah Yuliatiningtyas, P.Hd Dr. Tony S. Soekrani, M.Si. Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-17 2024-01-17 10 2 136 144 10.55499/intelektual.v10i2.1082 STRATEGI PEMERINTAH KOTA PROBOLINGGO DALAM MENINGKATKAN SUMBER DAYA MANUSIA DI BADAN KEPEGAWAIAN DAN PENGEMBANGAN SUMBER DAYA MANUSIA KOTA PROBOLINGGO <p><em>Human Resources or HR has an important role in the process of administering government, both at the Central and Regional levels. Human Resources, which includes all the potential or abilities that exist in humans, both physical and non-physical potential. HR in the context of an agency or institution concerns the employees or workers in an agency. Civil Servant is a person who has fulfilled certain requirements that have been determined by the agency in accordance with the law. One of them is a Civil Servant at the Probolinggo City Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency. BKPSDM itself is an abbreviation of the Agency for Personnel and Human Resources Development which is in charge of or functions as an agency or agency that handles personnel and human resource development. To form professional and humility human resources, especially Civil Servants in the BKPSDM, it is necessary to develop strategies made or carried out by the Probolinggo City Government in improving human resources in the Probolinggo City Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency. Based on the observations of researchers about the Probolinggo City Government Strategy in Improving Human Resources at the Probolinggo City Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency, the results of this study are in accordance with the programs or activities carried out by the Probolinggo City Government as a strategy to increase human resources in the Personnel and Development Agency. Probolinggo City Human Resources</em></p> Husni Mubaroq Rahma Wati Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-17 2024-01-17 10 2 145 154 10.55499/intelektual.v10i2.1083 IMPLEMENTASI PRINSIP-PRINSIP GOOD GOVERNANCE DALAM MENINGKATKAN KINERJA PELAYANAN SURAT IZIN PERDAGANGAN (SIUP) (Studi Pada Kantor Kecamatan Tiris Kabupaten Probolinggo) <p><em>Problems with public services still often occur, many abuses are committed by the government, starting from the regional to village levels. The lack of implementation and knowledge of good governance makes the public service bureaucracy a bad value in the eyes of society. The application of good governance can be used as part of an effort to implement democratic principles in public services, in view of the current situation of public services that need to be applied regarding good governance in order to achieve good organizational goals, in achieving these goals it is necessary to be supported by human resources. namely employees have the attitude of the principle of good governance. This paper intends to examine the Implementation of the Principles of Good Governance in improving the performance of SIUP servers at the Tiris District Office based on analytical theory according to the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Sedarmayanti (2012: 5) in Serdamayanti which consists of the Principles of Accountability and the Principle of Transparency, the principle openness and the principle of legal certainty. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The selection of informants was deliberately selected who were considered to understand the matter to be studied, taking data from sources deemed relevant according to the issues and themes raised, so as to produce reliable data and determine the accuracy of research results. The results of this study indicate that the application of the principles of good governance namely Accountability, Transparency, Openness, and Legal Supremacy of the Bureaucratic Apparatus indicates that it has been quite effective and carried out optimally in improving the performance of public service apparatus, especially in serving trade permits at the Tiris District Office.</em></p> Siti Marwiyah Renny Puspitarini Abdur Rahman Sholeh Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-17 2024-01-17 10 2 155 160 10.55499/intelektual.v10i2.1084 Manajemen Krisis PR Es Teh Indonesia dalam Pemulihan Image Negatif Pasca Somasi Konsumen pada Akun Twitter @gandhoyy <p><em>The purpose of this research is to find out the crisis management of Indonesian Ice Tea PR in the recovery of the negative image after consumer subpoenas on the Twitter account @gandhoyy in three phases, namely pre-crisis, crisis-response, and post-crisis. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with the object of PR Es Teh Indonesia and the Twitter account @gandhoyy. Data was taken by observation, interview, and documentation techniques. The interview was conducted with the Head of Public Relations of PT. Es Teh Indonesia via company email. The results showed that during the pre-crisis phase, PR representatives from PT. Es Teh Indonesia identified the problem by discussing tweets from the Twitter account @gandhoyy with related parties. Then the organization gives a subpoena for defamation. Instead of taking legal action, PT. Es Teh Indonesia only wants the account owner named Gandhi to admit his guilt because the criticisms conveyed are insulting and not actual facts. Then, in the post-crisis phase, PT. Es Teh Indonesia withdrew the subpoena given to Gandhi's brother because he had already apologized. The Indonesian Ice Tea party has also made improvements by conducting an evaluation in the form of product differentiation, namely by providing a choice of sweetness level or variant of sweetness starting from no sugar (0%), slight (30%), half (50%), less (80%), and normal (100%) so that it can be adjusted to consumer tastes.</em></p> Muhammad Fadeli, S.Sos.M.Si Dr. Fitria Widiyani Roosinda, S.Sos, M.Si Cindy Meidina Trihapsari Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-17 2024-01-17 10 2 161 173 10.55499/intelektual.v10i2.1085 EFEKTIVITAS SOSIALISASI BALAI MONITOR KELAS I SURABAYA DALAM MENGURANGI FREKUENSI RADIO ILEGAL MELALUI MODEL KOMUNIKASI GRUNIG & HUNT <p><em>In fact, the ability of the government to socialize illegal frequency users is still lacking. Therefore, the Surabaya Class I Monitoring Center was presented to carry out and apply the Grunig &amp; Hunt communication model in reducing these problems. The presence of the Surabaya Class I Monitoring Center should be able to have an effect on reducing the use of unlicensed (Illegal) frequencies. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of implementing the Grunig &amp; Hunt communication model in reducing illegal radio frequencies. The research method used is using qualitative research methods. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of the Grunig &amp; Hunt communication model has been partially achieved. However, there are a number of things that must be considered because they are not optimal in implementing them. Among other things, (1) The targeting of illegal frequency users and the public has been right on target, but many have not been reached by the community itself. (2) socialization so far has been running quite effectively. (3) the achievement of objectives has not been achieved as it should be because there are still several reports of illegal frequency use received by the Surabaya Class I Monitoring Center. (4) monitoring there are a number of things that must be corrected because they are not yet effective enough in monitoring</em></p> Fitria Widiyani Roosinda Ratna Setyarahajoe Anastasya Chintya A Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-17 2024-01-17 10 2 174 186 10.55499/intelektual.v10i2.1086 PERSEPSI REMAJA PEROKOK AKTIF DI KAMPUNG BENDUL MERISI SURABAYA TENTANG PERINGATAN BAHAYA MEROKOK PADA MEDIA IKLAN PAPAN REKLAME <p><em>The perception of active smoking adolescents in Kampung Bendul Merisi Surabaya towards warnings about the dangers of smoking on billboard advertising media is a study that reminds about the dangers of smoking for active smokers, especially teenagers. The objects in this study were active smoking teenagers in Bendul Merisi Village, Surabaya. This type of research is a qualitative descriptive research. Data collection methods used in this study are observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. Sources of research data are primary data and secondary data. The data analysis includes, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. In this study there were 7 informants who were active smokers. The results of this study indicate that some adolescent smokers are aware of the warning labels listed on billboard advertising media, but they still want to carry out their habit, namely smoking, even though they know the warnings about the dangers of smoking in the advertising media and cigarette packs. assume that the warnings about the dangers of smoking contained in billboard advertising media are commonplace and do not have any impact on them. Even though they know the effects of smoking, they still do their habit, namely smoking. Because smoking has become a habit for them which is difficult to leave.</em></p> Rini Ganefwati Ita Nurlita Andi Wahyudi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-17 2024-01-17 10 2 187 193 10.55499/intelektual.v10i2.1087 PERENCANAAN PEMBANGUNAN DALAM PENGEMBANGAN INFRASTRUKTUR TAMAN BALAI KOTA SURABAYA <p><em>Development is a series of growth and change efforts that are consciously planned and carried out by the nation, state and government towards modernization in the context of nation-building. a simpler understanding as a process of change in a better direction through planned efforts. Infrastructure on the other hand, means the main support for implementing a process, such as business, development, etc. Qualitative descriptive research is intended to describe and describe existing phenomena, both natural. In addition, descriptive research does not provide treatment, manipulation or changes to the variables studied, but instead describes a condition as it is. The only treatment given was the research itself, which was carried out through observation, interviews and documentation</em></p> Susi Ratnawati Fierda Nurany Daniel Maola Robert Dinan Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-17 2024-01-17 10 2 194 196 10.55499/intelektual.v10i2.1088 PERAN UNIT PELAKSANA TEKNIS DAERAH PERLINDUNGAN PEREMPUAN DAN ANAK (UPTD PPA) KABUPATEN SIDOARJO DALAM MENANGANI KEKERASAN TERHADAP ANAK <p><em>This study used qualitative research methods. The role of the UPTD PPA as a regulator is the existence of rules and regulations related to the protection of victims and underlies protection activities with the issuance of Regional Regulation of Sidoarjo Regency Number 18 of 2006 2015 concerning the protection of women and children victims of violence. The role of the UPTD PPA as a facilitator is the availability of facilities, infrastructure, and human resources that support the process of handling victims of violence. The role of the UPTD PPA as executor itself, namely complaint services, health rehabilitation, social rehabilitation, to the return of victims to their environment. The role of UPTD PPA as a coordinator is to network and coordinate with various related parties, such as OPD, LSM, and the community itself. Then the inhibiting factors are clients or victims who don't want to be open, limited human resources. And the efforts made by the UPTD PPA in dealing with violence against children are by socializing and increasing the competence of their human resources</em></p> Tri Prasetijowati Fierda Nurany Sarah Ayundasari Rudhito Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-17 2024-01-17 10 2 197 203 10.55499/intelektual.v10i2.1089 E-Government Sebagai Upaya Dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Pelayanan Publik Di Kabupaten Pamekasan <p><em>The purpose of this study is to analyze and study E-Government as an effort to improve the quality of public services in Pamekasan Regency. Pamekasan Regency applies the concept of E-Government in the form of an application, but is still experiencing difficulties in the development planning process. This research is a qualitative research with research subjects namely Pamekasan Regency. The research method used is observation and documentation techniques. The results of the study show that the government has succeeded in innovating in the form of "Pamekasan Smart" with the aim of making it easier for the public to report various problems related to development in Pamekasan Regency, but there are still inhibiting factors such as Skill Gaps. In order to overcome this, the government made several efforts such as signing an MoU with UPT BPSDMP Kominfo Surabaya. Thus, the government must be able to utilize human resources who are competent in Smart Government according to their respective fields so that later they can optimally manage the implementation of E-Government in public services.</em></p> Anisa Kurniatul Azizah Laili Dwi Agustina Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-17 2024-01-17 10 2 204 212 10.55499/intelektual.v10i2.1090