Design of an Intelligent Computing-based Information System for Automated Decision Making
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The rapid growth of information technology has increased the need for intelligent computing-based information systems across sectors, such as business, education, and government, to facilitate quick and accurate decision-making. Previous research primarily focused on data analysis without a seamless integration for automated decision support. This study aims to bridge this gap by designing an information system that leverages machine learning algorithms for automated decision-making. The system incorporates artificial intelligence and big data processing to provide accurate recommendations based on historical and real-time data patterns. Key processes include identifying user needs, selecting suitable algorithms, developing predictive models, and integrating them into a user-friendly, web-based platform. Results indicate that the intelligent system significantly enhances decision-making speed and accuracy, particularly in scenarios demanding real-time analysis. Tests with decision trees and neural network algorithms demonstrate the system's reliability and adaptability to various data types, supporting consistent, data-driven outcomes. This research concludes by highlighting the system's potential to address complex data challenges, enabling efficient decision-making in dynamic environments.
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