Instructions for Authors
Instructions for Authors
- Manuscript sent to JEECS has never been and is not currently being published in any media. Authors are required to check the suitability of the articles submitted with the writing guidelines on the JEECS.
- Delivery file in file format Microsoft Word
- Manuscript do not contain plagiarism.
- Manuscript are the results of research.
- Manuscript are written in English with a number of pages at least 6 pages and not exceed 12 pages pages including title, abstract, author, author affiliation, author correspondence, illustrations, tables and reference list.
- Articles written using the type of Times New Roman with size 10, space 1, and margins in word 1.25, 1.25, 1.25, and 3.00 for top, bottom, right and left, respectively..
- The title of the article in English is no more than 20 words and All Capital.
- The author's name must be written after the article title. All authors must be accompanied by the name of the institution and e-mail address, font size is 10 and all authors name is Capital.
- Abstracts are written in English. Abstract no more than 300 words. Keywords in abstracts is 5 keywords and do not use the word conjunction, separated by commas, Capitalize each word italic. Abstract contains reasons for research or problems, research methods used, result and discussions, findings completed with explanations, and conclusions of research.
- The title of section is written with font size 10, all capital and bold. Paragraphs should be separated by single spacing.
- The introduction is written with the type of Times New Roman, with a font size of 10.The contents of the introduction to the introduction are background problems, hypotheses (if any), thoughts to sharpen the problems and objectives of the study.
- The literature review is not written in a separate chapter, but is integrated with the introduction to the Introduction .References must be from the main, relevant and up-to-date references.
- The method is written in a concise, solid, clear, but sufficient manner. The method contains the use of research methods, research procedures, tools, materials, and instruments to be well explained, not writing theoretical concepts.
- The research results are described first, followed by the discussion section. Results can be presented in the form of a number table, graph, description, or a combination of the three. Tables, graphs, or images are not too long, too big, or too much.
- The discussion is structured systematically and logically, intended to interpret the results of research in accordance with the theory used and not just explain the findings. Discussions can be enriched by referring to the results of previous studies that have been published in scientific journals.
- The conclusion is not just repeating data, but in the form of substance meaning. Conclusions can be in the form of statements about what is expected, as stated in the Introduction which can finally produce Results and Discussion so that there is harmony. In addition, based on the results and discussion, conclusions can also be added to the prospect of developing research results and prospects for future or future research applications.
- Formulas, equations and their components presented in the text must be written in Equation Editor. The size of basic symbols in equations should correspond to the letter size of the main text – 10 pt; indexes should be in 10 pt. For more details see the Template of the Manuscript.
- Figures should be labeled with "Figure" and tables with "Table" and should be numbered sequentially, for example, Figure 1, Figure 2 and so on (refer to table 1 and figure 1). The figure numbers and titles should be placed below the figures, and the table numbers and titles should be placed on top of the tables. The title should be placed in the middle of the page between the left and right margins. Tables, illustrations and the corresponding text should be placed on the same page as far as possible. Otherwise they may be placed on the immediate following page.
- Tables should be created in Word or Excel and should be designed so that they easily fit a regular journal page. Each table must have an informative caption to describe the table. The text size for the table’s main text and title is 10pt. Please be sure that all figures are at the appropriate resolution: 1200 dpi for line art, 600 dpi for grayscale and 300 dpi for colour. Diagrams, charts and schemes: font – Times New Roman from 8 to 10 pt, line thickness – from 0.3 to 2 pt. Figure and table title is 10pt italic.
- Corresponding authors communicate with editors through OJS during submission to publication. Put an * sign in the author's name to mark it in the author section.
- JEECS using the IEEE style. In compiling a referral list it is recommended to use the Mendeley application.