Analysis and Design of Production Schedulling System for CV. Bulu Nusantara Gresik
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CV. Bulu Nusantara is a company located in Gresik – East Java produces some kinds of flour as animal feed
ingredients. The flours are come from chicken feathers, chicken bones, fishes and clams. The company has limited
production machinery, so as to produce each kind of flour for optimum results, it must be well planned. This study is
to analyze and design the information system needed by the company. The system is designed to manage inputs,
processing them and resulting some informations like Master Production Schedule, dayly/weekly/monthly production
report, and so on. The analysis phase produces two algorithms, each for estimating the order finishing time and
schedulling calculation. The design phase produces context flow diagram, first level of data flow diagram, the
conceptual and physical data model. The study result is showing us that the company needs the information system
whiches consist of seven interrellated entities, eight main processes and flexible period of detailed reporting or resume
reporting in form of chart.
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