Cryptography on Audio Files Using the Blowfish Algorithm
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Blowfish is a 64-bit block cipher with variable key length. The algorithm consists of two part: Key expansion and
data encryption. Allowing its use in cryptography. In general, cryptography is about constructing and analyze
communication protocols that can block an opponent. Various aspects of information security, Such as confidential
data, Data integrity, Authentication and non repudance Is the center of modern cryptography. This case
implementation with encryption and decryption techniques on audio files using java programming, aims to secure
the audio data contained in it can be maintained and can only be read by user who have the cryptographic key.
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How to Cite
Fahriani, N. ., & Waluya, O. K. . (2018). Cryptography on Audio Files Using the Blowfish Algorithm. JEECS (Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences), 3(1), 341–352.

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