Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences (JEECS) is a scientific journal that presents and updated scientific articles in the field of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences research among academics and practitioners alike, including power system, electrical engineering, industry automation, mechatronics, computer sciences, informatics, and information system. This journal is dedicated for the author or researcher who has focused in the field of technology and intending on publication and sharing knowledge the novel technology include, but are not limited to, the following topics: Data Mining, Informatics algorithm methodology, Mobile Computing, Automation, Power, Green Technology, Advanced Computer Networks, Image Processing, Computer Vision, Robotics Technology, Decision Support System, Big Data, Data Sciences, Internet of Things, Network Security, Virtual Reality, etc. Publishing articles on this journal can be submitted online to our OJS system or you can read complete information / instructions for author. The articles which would like to publish is selected go through a selection process by partner reviewer and / or editors. This Journal is published periodically twice a year on June and December. For further information, send your email to
Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences indexed in Crossref and Google Scholar.
Published: 2018-06-29
Full Issue

Inventory Management System Using QR Code on Android a Case Study in Computer Engineering Department