Decision-Making in Gripper Control Systems Using Fuzzy Logic Method and Telegram Application

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Richa Watiasih
Junior Risqy Cosabagus


The application of the gripper in the industrial world has facilitated human work in the sorting process but has the disadvantage of not being able to sort objects based on the object's color. Conditions like these can affect the production quality factor when sorting objects. This research resulted in a gripper end effector system using the fuzzy method and the telegram application as a control, which has a function to distinguish the color of objects gripped by the gripper, thereby minimizing errors in sorting objects based on color. Telegram is used because the application is relatively light and can be accessed anywhere as long as it is connected to an internet connection. This study uses the fuzzy logic method as a decision-making process. The fuzzy method is used because it is very flexible and has a tolerance value in the existing data. The telegram function in this study is the main control to give orders to the gripper. The TCS3200 color sensor, in this study, is used to detect object color. The TCS3200 sensor converts the light intensity value to 8 bits so that the microcontroller can read it for each color in the test. The colors red, green, and blue were chosen as a reference because they are the primary or basic colors of all colors. From the results of testing the entire system in this study, 90% success was obtained in moving objects precisely based on the object's color. This result is enough to prove that the system can work properly.

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How to Cite
Watiasih, R., & Cosabagus, J. R. (2024). Decision-Making in Gripper Control Systems Using Fuzzy Logic Method and Telegram Application. JEECS (Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences), 9(1), 69–78.


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