Application of Cloud Computing for The Development of Knowledge Management System Web Based Network

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Chusnul Astri Ch
Rani Purbaningtyas
R Dimas Prasetyo


Developing Knowledge Management System using cloud computing is a concept that integrates knowledge
management (KM), with the process of finding, selecting, seeking, organizing and presenting data or information.
KMS Network is a system that provides web-based content (contains data, information, & knowledge) as an increase
in knowledge mastery, to help the needs of users or users who have difficulty when looking for sources of information.
Kms is developed through the adoption of cloud computing (CC) technology, which has large amounts of data storage
using web servers or cloud servers online. In the research application of cloud computing for the development of
knowledge management system web-based network, has a speed in accessing the average article data 0.7833 seconds
/ page, with the average page load memory 2.0 MB, search articles using the method "Sequential Search Or Sequential
Searching ".

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Cara Mengutip
Chusnul Astri Ch, Purbaningtyas, R. ., & Prasetyo, R. D. . (2017). Application of Cloud Computing for The Development of Knowledge Management System Web Based Network. JEECS (Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences), 2(1), 195–202.

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