Culinary Tourism Location Search Application Using Location Based Service Method In Jakarta City Area Based On Android

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Bella Risky Nasution
Rahmawati Febrifyaning Tias
Fardanto Setyatama
Mas Nurul Hamidah


Culinary diversity causes many types of restaurants and cafes in the city of Jakarta. The increasing number of culinary
locations makes it difficult for culinary connoisseurs to find locations and restaurants that match what they want.
Therefore we need an application that has functional aspects in finding culinary locations. The application of the Location
Based Service (LBS) method in this application can help users to find the nearest culinary so that users can choose a
culinary place that is closest to their location. Applications created using Android Studio with the Zomato API can make
it easier for people to find culinary locations around the city of Jakarta. By using Android mobile technology as another
medium, people don't have to ask other people to find culinary spots. The program is tested to find out possible errors,
this test uses Black Box testing and User Testing. Application testing to find culinary places in the city of Jakarta can
display detailed information on the restaurants selected by the user and the test results are as expected.

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Cara Mengutip
Nasution, B. R., Tias, R. F., Setyatama, F. ., & Hamidah, M. N. . (2022). Culinary Tourism Location Search Application Using Location Based Service Method In Jakarta City Area Based On Android. JEECS (Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences), 7(2), 1305–1310.