Intelektual: Jurnal Administrasi Publik dan Ilmu Komunikasi was first published in print version in 2010. In the printed version, Intelektual: Jurnal Administrasi Publik dan Ilmu Komunikasi submitted by p-ISSN with its first publication in August 2010 with a publication frequency of 2 times a year, namely in August and February. As time goes by and PIC changes occur, Intelektual: Jurnal Administrasi Publik dan Ilmu Komunikasi also available in online publication from 2022. With the online publication, the new PIC journal has changed the publication months to June and December. These data changes have been submitted to Direktur Pusat ISSN Indonesia dated March 6, 2024.

Intelektual: Jurnal Administrasi Publik dan Ilmu Komunikasi. This publication contains articles in the fields of Social Sciences, Communication Studies, Public Administration and other Social Sciences published every 6 months. Intellectuals are published by the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Bhayangkara University, Surabaya with two numbers a year, namely in June and December.

Intelektual: Jurnal Administrasi Publik dan Ilmu Komunikasi is a national scale journal that discusses the study of social sciences, Communication Studies, Public Administration and humanities. This journal focuses on issues of Communication, Digital Communication, Public Policy, Human Resources, gender, community empowerment, public institutions and administration, and local government systems. Topics covered in the journal pay special attention to, but are not limited to:

  1. Social, topics that discuss the relationship between humans and existing institutions to realize harmony involvement and improve the quality of life
  2. Politics, a topic that explores the relationship between people and groups that aim to take power
  3. Digital, a topic that explores the relationship between people and groups that aim to adapt to information technology
  4. Culture, a topic that explores customs and is maintained to characterize the identity of a group of people