Webgis Application For Searching Nu Mosque In East Java Using The Haversine Method
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Indonesia is the country with the largest number of mosques in the world. In East Java, there are many Islamic
organizations, one of which is Nahdhotul Ulama (NU). Nahdhotul Ulama (NU) is one of the socio-religious
organizations in Indonesia which was founded on 16 Rajab 1344 or to coincide with January 31, 1926 in Surabaya on
the initiative of two leading traditional scholars at that time, K.H Hasyim Asy'ari and K.H Abdul Wahab Hasbullah.
Geographic Information System is a computer system that is used to collect, check, integrate, and analyze information
related to the earth's surface. Basically, the term geographic information system is a combination of three main
elements, namely system, information, and geography. Thus, an understanding of these three main elements will be
very helpful in understanding GIS. The haversine is an important equation in navigation, giving the great circle the
distance between any two points on the sphere of longitude and latitude. It is a special case of the more common
formula in spherical trigonometry, the law of haversines, relating the sides and angles of a spherical triangle (Spherical
From the calculation results of the haversine algorithm the first trial formula is at the user's location at 1. Jl. Raya
Surabaya - Malang, Sawahan, Buduran, Buduran District, Sidoarjo Regency, East Java 61252 found the closest mosque
based on the heversine formula is Darussalam Mosque, jl. Kedemang Singomenggolo no 98 Buduran with a distance
of 1,396 Km. From the calculation results of the haversine algorithm, the first trial formula at the user's location on Jl.
Raya Suko No.55, RT.01/RW.01, Ngemplak, Cemeng Kalang, Sidoarjo District, Sidoarjo Regency, East Java 61224
found the closest mosque based on the heversine formula is Miftahul Jannah Mosque, jl. Banjar poh village Banjar
Bendo with a distance of 1,878 Km
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