Author Guidelines
The following is a guide for authors in preparing articles, the article templates can be downloaded at this address.
General Provisions
- The manuscript is an original work, free from plagiarism, and less than 25% has been checked by an internet-based plagiarism detection service.
- The manuscript has never been published and has never been accepted for publication in another journal.
- The manuscript is typed with 1 spacing on quarto paper (A4); Cambria font size 11 pt; and right, left, top, bottom margins of 2.5 cm.
- The manuscript is typed with a single column layout.
- The manuscript is written in Indonesian according to the general guidelines.
- The manuscript should be approved by all co-authors and relevant authorities (eg institutions or sponsors).
- Please download the template so that your article is in accordance with our guidelines.
- The article does not exceed 4,500 words, including references (excluding tables, figures, and appendices).
- The file size must not exceed 7 MB (.docx).
Systematic Writing of Original Article Title
- The title should be clear and informative, as well as specific and effective with max 20 words in length
- The author's name (without academic title) along with affiliation, should include name, department, faculty, institution, city, and country.
- The corresponding author's details are written at the bottom of the abstract, including name without salutation or academic title, and email.
- The abstract is written in Indonesian.
- The abstract consists of 150–250 words explaining the objectives, brief methods, important findings, and there should be no references.
- Keywords are written in Indonesian, 3–5 keywords or phrases, arranged alphabetically, and separated using enter (change line).
- Do not use terms that are too general, wordy, and long.
- Avoid using words that are already in the title.
- Background of community service. To strengthen the background of community service or activities, authors are required to add empirical background and conceptual framework/background built from a review of relevant previous research published no later than the last 5 years.
- Deliver a brief review of relevant literature, state the originality of the research, and state the purpose of the research.
- Cover the problems, challenges, or factual and actual needs required by the community related to the purpose of community service.
- Authors are required to justify the form of community participation and interaction in community service programs and activities.
- Describe the methods used to solve problems, challenges, or obstacles, answering the objectives of community service.
- Data collection techniques (including sample selection techniques, validity, and reliability of data collection tools).
- Data analysis techniques.
- Location, time, and duration of activities.
- The author is asked to explain the conditions/situations before the program/activity was implemented and the expected results.
Results and Discussions
- Relevant documentation with a focus on community service activities.
- For photos/images: minimum resolution of 300 dpi with JPEG (.jpg) extension. Use image processing software to check the dpi.
- The results must be presented correctly and accompanied by explanations without referring to the literature. Original and important findings must be stated. The results should be illustrated with figures or tables if necessary, but should be limited to a minimum. Detailed discussions, speculations, and data interpretations are not included in the results, but in the discussion section.
- Authors are asked to emphasize the analysis of conditions before and after the community service program/activity was implemented.
- The discussion must interpret the findings expressed in the results obtained with the background of existing knowledge. The discussion must highlight new perspectives. Every assumption must be stated clearly.
- The analysis must be complemented by further discussion of community participation and the impacts obtained by the community. It would be good additional content if the Author also included the adoption of innovation by the community.
- All tables, figures, photos, and graphs included in this manuscript must be cited and integrated with their analysis and/or justification/significance with the community engagement program/activity. All tables, figures, photos, and graphs must be relevant to community service.
- Delivering conclusions from the discussion results.
- Mentioning the impacts and benefits of community service activities.
- Providing suggestions for further community service activities.
- Producing new findings in the form of theories, postulates, formulas, principles, methods, models, or prototypes supported by community service data.
- Acknowledgements list containing the names of people who have provided assistance during community empowerment activities.
- A Conflict of Interest Statement should be written clearly if you (or your company or sponsor) have financial, commercial, legal, or professional relationships with other organizations, or with people who collaborate with them, that contribute to your research.
- If funding is provided through a grant from a university, college, or other research institution, state the name of the institution or organization that provided the funding.
- If there is no funding from a university, college, or other research institution, please include the following sentence: This research did not receive any specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
- The bibliography is written based on the IEEE
- The bibliography is arranged in the order of appearance.
- The bibliography only lists the libraries that you cite in the text.
- Check the reference details to the actual source. The author is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the references.
- If available, the URL for the reference has been provided.
- Avoid using more than 40 and less than 10 references. It is highly recommended to use 80% journal references and 20% book references. Journal references must be published at least in the last 5 years.
- Authors are highly recommended to use reference managers such as Zotero, Endnote, RefWorks, Reference Manager, or Mendeley to build a bibliography.
Ethical Code and Regulation
- The author must ensure that all community service activities/programs outlined in this manuscript are free from matters related/relevant to the code of ethics and laws and regulations.
- The author must also obtain approval from the participating community to include/present images, photos, data, or other information that supports the community service program/activity in the manuscript.