Peer Review Process

Each article submitted to Semar: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat will undergo two screening stages by the editor and reviewer. In the first screening, the editor screens the article to see if it matches the journal's focus and scope and checks the plagiarism level using plagiarism-checking software, namely iThenticate. If the article has a plagiarism score greater than 20%, the article will be rejected by the editor. Articles that pass the initial screening will proceed to the second process, namely review by 2 (two) reviewers. The peer-review system in this journal uses a single blind review, where the author does not know the reviewer's identity. Reviewers are given a maximum of two weeks to review the assigned article.

Furthermore, the editorial team will decide to accept or reject the article based on the results of the review conducted by the reviewer. If the reviewer provides a significantly different recommendation, the editor will assign 1 (one) additional reviewer to be considered in deciding on the article. The language used in this journal is Indonesian. Before submitting an article to Semar: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, the author must ensure and comply with the following:

  1. The submitted article is original to the author and is not the result of copying someone else's scientific work. The submitted article will be rejected if the plagiarism test results using the Ithenticate software show similarities with someone else's scientific work greater than 25%.
  2. The submitted article is not an article that is being considered in another journal.
  3. The article must use the specified article format. Authors can download the journal template, which is available on the journal's web sidebar.